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A case for New Technologies

Hey, listen.
We have a decision to make.
Humanity stands on the edge of a massive shift in technology and productivity

that is going to fundamentally alter our lives.
Blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence,
these buzzword technologies are rapidly changing our world,
just like the steam engine that started
the Industrial Revolution.
Over the past century,
new technologies have changed
how we work and even how we define work.
During that time,
the average number of hours worked
has steadily declined in the developed world,
but lifestyles have generally improved.
And the technologies on the horizon
look to completely alter society as we know it.
So here's the cool part.
If we get the next 10 years right,
humankind could be well on its way to reaching
the type of Utopian existence characterised
in many stories about the future.
This is especially true
in the area of financial technology.
And while maybe not as sexy or cool
as driverless cars, advancements in FinTech
will make it easier to send, receive and invest money.
These are at the core of business and commerce,
and FinTech stands to alter these interactions completely.
But before we dive headfirst into this brave, new world,
it's critical to ask a few questions.
Like, why?
Why is blockchain technology necessary?
Is faster, cheaper, smarter
always better when it comes to data?
What unintended consequences will arise
from introducing artificial intelligence into everyday life?
You see, unlike the steam engine,
the magic of these new technologies
is that they can scale faster than ever
and quickly engulf the entire world.
And while they may have
the power to unite and transform,
they can also be used to bind and control.
Advancements in technology over the next decade
will certainly lead to massive job loss
and many fear new forms of slavery, surveillance and crime.
Now is the time for us to consider
what we want and what we will allow.
We can't wait until these new technologies
are fully developed.
Once we push play, we can't just rewind.
If we don't talk about it now, it will be too late.
This is a chance for us
to consider these questions together.
Through it we hope to explore the implications
for us individually and collectively.
We live in a world where distance is relative
and resources are growing scarcer,
where local problems now have global implications.
Humanity may stand on the edge,
but we stand on it together.
So join us as we consider these tough questions
and help shape our collective future.

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